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New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)


Department of Biomedical Engineering Residential Place


323 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

NJ, USA 07901

Newark, New Jersey, USA 07102




+1 856 553 5371

Team Category: Director

Dr. Amir K. Miri

Dr. Amir K. Miri is the Director of Advanced Biofabrication Lab in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He has extensive expertise in additive manufacturing for biomedical applications. He received his PhD from Mechanical Engineering Program at McGill University and had postdoc training at MIT-Harvard Division of Health Sciences and Technology. He started his faculty position at Rowan University and since then he has been actively working on new bioprinting techniques for tissue regeneration and disease modeling. His group has built different bioprinting platforms, including multi-axial extrusion bioprinter, handheld bioprinter, and digital light projection-based bioprinter.